Downtown Green Springs

Downtown Green Springs is a section of State Route 19 on the Seneca County side where most businesses in the village are. All of these buildings have been in the town since I can remember, but some of them have undergone repairs and have had different businesses in it, but structurally, everything is the same as it has been since I’ve lived in Green Springs.

Here is a look down State Route 19 on County Line Road under the stop light.


As we move down 19, you can see some businesses that have been shut down and never recovered. For example, this hardware store.


True Value hardware (on the left) was there when I was a child. They went out of business sometime in the late 90s. To the right of the building has been turned into apartments. This space was actually a Broadway Video store until around 1995 or so.

Next to the video store/apartments is the Post Office. This building seems like it hasn’t changed since I’ve been born. I still see the outside, and though our family doesn’t use the post office anymore, anytime I see it, I can still remember the smell inside the building, the dull lighting and the hum of the lights inside the quite building.



(Photo from

The building attached to the post office has always intrigued me. I’ve never know what exactly is inside the building, but the symbol on the front is the same as a Freemason symbol and I’ve always wondered what was inside. As small as the town is, I always thought that if we had a Freemason group in the village, I sure would have known about it. For my 20+ years of living in Green Springs, I’ve never know what this building is.



This big open lot next to the mysterious building used to be the town laundromat. A fire to the brick building put an end to that, and it was never replaced. The laundromat moved a little further down the road to where the old Patio Dairy Bar (the village ice cream shop) was. After the laundromat, that building became a bar, the town’s third.

Across the street are two buildings that always stick out to me from my childhood. I’ve always noticed these building were unlike any other buildings in the strip because they had years on the top of them. The building on the left has the year 1891 on it and to the right is 1894. Now, the 1891 building has a bar under it and upstairs are apartments. The 1894 building is a restaurant with apartments above it.


Attached to those two buildings is the Style Center. I remember getting my hair cut there as a child, as it has always been the Style Center as far as I can remember. This building interested me because it says “BANK” on the top of it.


Outside of this downtown area are mostly houses. The houses are mostly older. Here are a few houses just off 19.



This next house is just off of 19 and is where one of my best friends used to live. This is one of the oldest houses in Green Springs. My friend and his family had some spooky stories from the house, and some I’ve been personally there for. After some time of these “supernatural happenings”, they found a historian and asked them about the house. Turns out, their home was the village’s dentist’s office.


As Thanksgiving break nears, I will try and get actual pictures for this post. All images now are from Google Maps Street View.

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